Many of my first time buyers are entering an area that is unfamiliar to them. This is their first purchase of "good art." They understand the importance of owning fine art but are uncertain about what constitutes "good art." They have reservations.
Now, you may be thinking that I'm referring to my younger audience of thirty-something collectors. I'm not. Many of my first time buyers are baby-boomers who have been making the sacrifices of raising kids. You know, college and all the other expenses that go with raising our children.
Now that the kids are out of the house, it's time for them to enjoy some of the fruits of their labors.
Selecting fine art is simple. It's what I call the "wow" factor. When you see a work that makes you go "wow," you're on to something very positive. I'll never forget my first time. I still love that piece eighteen years later. Image and composition are far more important than concerns about how it matches a curtain or other item in that room.
Selecting your art should have strong emotional connections for you. It's always those emotional connections that are the most powerful and always accurate. Go with your emotions; go with your gut.
Acquiring fine art for your home is one of the most rewarding experiences that you can give yourself. Think about the hours you spend in your favorite room, filled with artwork that is powerful and meaningful to you. You'll have years of enjoyment, not to mention financial opportunities.
Beside self enjoyment, your art work is the first thing people notice when they enter your home...not your furniture, not your floors coverings, not your window's what's on your walls.
I hear collectors talking about their 60 inch flat screen TV and think that within 6 to 12 months, that purchase will have depreciated 50 percent. Good art work will not. Selecting artwork for investment should not be your first reason for acquiring fine art but it should be a consideration.
Fine art makes as powerful a statement as the car you drive or the wine you enjoy. Your artwork tells your guests about you. It should stir the imagination, reflecting your taste, your style, your personality.
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